MCSC Accomplishments

Corps Members were awarded the opportunity to put their artistic and construction skills to the test. Crews worked together to create the following three installations to date: "Steps to Success," "Passing Through," and "Out of the Box."

In "Steps to Success" corps members built staircases that dealt with the reasons why they had not chosen the gang life. Crews that participated in "Passing Through" built doors that were metaphors for obstacles they might face in life. For "Out of the Box" corps members were asked to construct a box that would intrigue and ask viewers to think outside the box, leaving behind the stereotypes and prejudices they might carry with them.

For more information on the Art Corps please see the pdfs below or visit the website at:

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Deaf Corpsmember Crew

The planning and implementation process for an unprecedented “Deaf Crew” started its inception in mid-2005 and came to fruition in the summer of 2006. Many times deaf persons are overlooked and miss out on countless opportunities due to the expensive and tailored staffing needs that accompany such an endeavor. In an effort to allow ALL young adults theopportunity to lead productive and meaningful lives MCSC has partnered with Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to create such services.